Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Trip Home

Here we are at Anchorage at the Red Roof Inn. We flew out on July 9th back to Michigan. We love our visit to Alaska and seeing Papa & Gram but am glad to be home and see Mom & Dad and most of all Niki

Dragonfly Gulch

We took a hike to Dragonfly Gulch and Papa climb down and seen this waterfall. We stayed on top so Papa took our picture from the bottom.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bus Trip

On our trip to the Elison Vistor Center we got to see 4 bears at 3 different spot, the last place was this bear sleeping on the snow. We watched him for a long time and he finally got up and move over to the grass and started to eat. We also saw this male moose at the vistor center, it is a young one but you can see that he has started to grow his antlers. This caribou was walking right down the road in front of our bus and the driver had to stop before he finally moved off the road. We seen this wolf walking down by one of the creeks. We also saw Dall sheep but they were high up in the rocks and their really little.. the drivers call them LWD's.. That means little white dots. It is a really good day to see the 5 big animals and the mountain all in one day. They say not many of the vistors to Denali get to do that.

Baby moose

I looked out of the window in the Motor Home and there was a mother moose and her baby. I went outside and got to take pictures of the moose, she did not seem to pay any attention to anyone. The baby was so cute

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Raft ride

We went on a raft ride on Friday. I got to sit by Grandma and we had fun. They dressed us up in dry suits and we had to wear boots that they gave us. We also had to wear two pairs of gloves. Papa fell out of the raft and got all wet (read Chandler's blog and get all the details.) Grandma was really impressed that he did not lose his glasses. He really did not get that wet either cause his dry suit really keep him dry. He was alittle cold but the sun was out and it help to warm him up. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Our guide was cool and his name was Gator. He said his sunglasses were from Jennifer Lopaz. HA HA

Thursday, June 19, 2008

When we got from Fairbank yesterday, Papa and I were sitting in the motor home and when we looked up we saw the mother moose and her baby. It is only the second time that anyone has seen her in the campground this year. Papa said last year she had twins but this year she only has one baby. They also say that a bear attack her this last winter and kill one of her twins and sliced her side. We think that true because she seems more scared of people this year.

Cross stitching

Hurrah!!! I finished a square on my cross stitch finally. It is going to be a kitten hanging on a tree branch like the picture I am holding up